Tenure track positions in Astrophysics and Cosmology
2020-09-15 10:30
Ref0078 / Deadline: permanently open until the six offered positions are awarded (see details below)
Cerrado/ClosedOffer description
The "Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón" (CEFCA) invites applications for six tenure track positions of Researcher in Astrophysics and Cosmology.
CEFCA is a research institution located in Teruel, Spain, in charge of the operation, data management and scientific exploitation of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), an astronomical facility specifically suited for carrying out large astronomical surveys with very large field-of-view (FoV) telescopes: the 2.5m Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST; 3deg diameter FoV) and the 83cm Javalambre Auxiliary Survey Telescope (JAST; 2deg diameter FoV).
JST is equipped with JPCam, a ~1.2Mpix panoramic camera consisting of a mosaic of 14 CCDs of ~9.2k x 9.2kpix. The JPCam@JST system provides a 4.7 deg2 FoV and hosts a complete new set of 54 filters of ~140A width, covering the whole optical spectral range plus two broader filters at the blue and red ends. The technical first-light of JPCam@JST was achieved in June 2020. During the next years, JPCam@JST will be mostly devoted to carry out the Javalambre Physics of the accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS), which will produce photo-spectra of hundreds of millions of astronomical objects with a wide range of applications in Astrophysics and Cosmology.
JAST is equipped with the panoramic camera T80Cam, hosting one CCD identical to those in JPCam. The T80Cam@JAST system provides an effective FoV of 2 deg2. Since 2016, it is primarily devoted to conduct the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS), whose first ~1000deg2 were released to the worldwide community in July 2018. J-PLUS DR2, amounting to ~2000 deg2, will be public in October 2020.
The OAJ is a Spanish ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure). As such, CEFCA offers 20% of OAJ Open Time to competitive P.I. projects. In addition, CEFCA is a leading node of the Ground Segment OU-EXT of the ESA Euclid mission, JPCam@JST will conduct the Javalambre-Euclid Deep Imaging Survey in g-band (JEDIS-g) in the next years.
The OAJ data is reduced, calibrated and released by the Unit for Data Processing and Archiving (UPAD) at CEFCA. In addition, the data from the main CEFCA surveys like J-PAS and J-PLUS is validated and exploited at scientific level by the researchers of the Research Division at CEFCA. The knowledge gathered in the last decade has highlighted the great importance of building value added catalogues (VACs) in modern astrophysical surveys. As an intermediate step between photometric catalogues and breaking research results, the estimation of high-level astrophysical parameters ensures an optimal scientific analysis and a well controlled data flow. Because of the transversal nature of the OAJ surveys, the J-PLUS and J-PAS VACs aim to cover a broad range of Astrophysical topics, like moving objects of the Solar System, atmospheric parameters and variability of Milky Way stars, star formation and stellar populations of spatially resolved and distant galaxies, Supernovae detection and characterization, photometric redshifts, clusters and the environment of galaxies, the properties of accreting supermassive black holes along cosmic time, etc.
In this context, CEFCA is seeking for six post-doctoral researchers in Astrophysics and Cosmology with an excellent research record and interest/experience in massive data analysis. Successful candidates will join the Research Division at CEFCA to have a leading role in the scientific exploitation of the present and future OAJ surveys. As such, they will become full members of the J-PLUS and J-PAS collaborations, having the right to become Euclid members.
As members of the Research Department at CEFCA, successful candidates will carry out the following duties:
- Scientific research in Astrophysics / Cosmology.
- Development of scientific codes to compute and validate VACs in their own topics of interest.
- Implementation of own and third-party codes in the UPAD pipelines.
- Scientific exploitation of the estimated VACs in the context of J-PLUS, J-PAS, JEDIS-g and futures OAJ surveys.
As members of the Research Department at CEFCA, successful candidates with teaching interests in Cosmology, Astrophysics or Astronomical Instrumentation may have the possibility to collaborate in the Master of Cosmology, Astrophysics, Particles and Astroparticles of the University of Zaragoza.
Scientific profiles
The transverse nature of the OAJ surveys involves a broad range of profiles for their optimal scientific exploitation and to cover the relevant VACs. The main scientific profiles of interest for this call are:
- Moving objects of the Solar System.
- Variable sources and transients.
- Supernovae.
- Atmospheric stellar parameters.
- Emission-line extragalactic objects.
- Stellar populations in galaxies and clusters.
- Spatially-resolved studies of galaxies.
- Forced and model photometry of stars and galaxies.
- Galaxy clusters and environment.
- QSOs and AGNs in the optical at low and high redshift.
Ideally, the combined profiles of the six successful candidates are expected to roughly cover all or most of the above topics.
Valuable Knowledge and Experience
- Excellent research record in at least one of the assessable scientific profiles.
- Experience in the analysis of optical data, with special value to medium and narrow band photometry.
- Experience in the use and exploitation of large astronomical datasets.
- Experience in Python programming. Knowledge of programming in other languages like C, C++, or Fortran, will be an asset.
- Experience in the implementation of software in a structured environment, in particular in the use of control version software like Git.
Evaluation process
The committee, that will be constituted by several staff CEFCA members and by at least one scientist from an external institution, will first evaluate the suitability of the candidates on the basis of their CVs, research statements and reference letters. The best candidates will move to a short list for a final interview.
Being aware of the impact of family leaves (maternity, paternity, adoption, or leaves to take care of family members with serious health conditions) on scientific careers, properly justified family leaves will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.
Terms and conditions
Education: | PhD in Astronomy or related fields |
Languages: | Fluent in English |
Work Place: | CEFCA Headquarters, Teruel, Spain, with possible work stays at the OAJ |
Contract Duration: | 5 years tenure track position, that will turn into a permanent Researcher Staff position after a positive evaluation before the end of the contract. |
Salary: | depending on the level of experience of the candidate. |
Deadline and schedule: | The call will be permanently open until the six offered positions are awarded. The evaluation committee will meet monthly to evaluate the applications received before the 15th of every month, starting in October 2020. First deadline is therefore set to Oct 15th, 2020, at 23:59:59 CEST. If needed, subsequent deadlines will be Nov 15th, Dec 15th, etc. at 23:59:59 CET, until all positions are covered. Once all positions are awarded, the call will be announced as "closed" in the CEFCA website. |
Applications: | Applications shall include: 1) CV; 2) brief statement of research interests, with emphasis on J-PLUS, J-PAS, and the requested VAC profiles; and 3) two reference letters. To be submitted via email (Subject: "Ref.0078. Researcher”) to jobs@cefca.es.
CEFCA is an equal opportunity employer committed to increase the diversity in its workplace. Applications of candidates from underrepresented social groups in our staff are welcome. CEFCA is committed in promoting the gender parity among its staff. Hence, applications from women are strongly welcome. |
Convocatoria financiada con el Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia.
El plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia del Gobierno traza la hoja de ruta para la modernización de la economía española, la recuperación del crecimiento económico y la creación de empleo, para la reconstrucción económica sólida, inclusiva y resiliente tras la crisis de la COVID y para responder a los retos de la próxima década.Este Plan recibirá la financiación de los fondos Next Generation EU, entre ellos el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia, dentro del componente 17 del plan denominado "Reforma insitucional y fortalecimiento de las capacidades del sistema nacional de ciencia, tecnología e innovación" y de la inversión 12 denominada "Fortalecimiento de las capacidades, infraestruccturas y equipamientos de los agentes del sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SECTI)".
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