CEFCA hosts the meeting of the board of the Astronomy Infrastructure Network
The Government of Spain increases the CEFCA budget by 1.3 million euros
CEFCA and IBERCAJA sign a collaboration agreement
GALÁCTICA obtiene una subvención para actuaciones de promoción turística
MAZ rewards CEFCA for its occupational risk prevention policy
CEFCA signs a collaboration agreement with Ibercaja Foundation
El CEFCA obtiene una ayuda de contrato predoctoral en formación
CEFCA and Ibercaja renew collaboration agreement
A CEFCA researcher obtains a 'Starting Grant' of the European Research Council
The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening one position for a summer-student fellowship. The position will be offered to students that are coursing a Master or the last year of the Degree who want to start engaging into engineering and astrophysical instrumentation.
Optical fine tuning of the system during Final Acceptance tests provides images of 0.15” FWHM using “lucky imaging” techniques
CEFCA has proceeded with the final acceptance of the JST250 telescope installed at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre after carrying out additional tests with the verification camera in order to test proper operation of the telescope.
CEFCA and Caja Rural renew the “Young Researchers Training” grant
Achieved images of 0.33” PSF with “lucky imaging” techniques
Last September 2015, the JST250 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre passed successfully the Provisional Acceptance test review. This milestone represents a big step forward for the completion of the project, only pending the Final Acceptance tests that shall be completed in the next weeks.
The CEFCA Foundation has awarded two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation. These fellowships were published on the CEFCA web page from October 27 to December, 4, 2014.
Adjudication of the two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation:
Second adjudication of the two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation:
Ibercaja and CEFCA renew collaboration agreement
The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening two positions for a summer-student fellowship. The positions will be offered to Master students who want to start engaging into astrophysical research.
Summer-student fellowship in Astrophysics Research:
The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening one position for a summer-student fellowship. The position will be offered to students that are coursing a Master or the last year of the Degree who want to start engaging into engineering and astrophysical instrumentation.
The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) holds the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) in Teruel from September 8 to September 12, 2014.
The XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA), which takes place every two years, will be held at the Centro de Estudios de la Física del Cosmos de Aragon from 8 to 12 September in Teruel, gathering about 300 Spanish professional astronomers and foreign guests.
'Young Researchers Training' agreement renewed
The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening three positions for a summer-student fellowship. The positions will be offered to master students who want to start engaging into astrophysical research and instrumentation.
Summer student fellowships in Astrophysics and Instrumentation:
CEFCA and Obra Social Ibercaja sign collaboration agreement
As the ALHAMBRA project maps in detail eight deep separate regions of the universe, it is the best available tool to study the recent history of the universe. This first release of the data, which is called ALHAMBRA-gold, contains one hundred thousand galaxies, twenty thousand stars and one thousand possible active galactic nuclei. Several researchers of CEFCA have participated in the development of this catalogue, which has been conducted by the Calar Alto Observatory.