A collaboration between the two institutions will facilitate entry to schools in Teruel, which will enjoy a guided tour and a complementary workshop. Nine of the most important astrophysicists in history or a journey through the Solar System, star formation, galaxies and the Big Bang await them. Galactica, the first park in Europe to explain and observe the Cosmos, opens its doors to schools in the province of Teruel. A collaboration between the Centro de Estucios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) and the Diputación de Teruel will allow 3,000 schoolchildren to visit Galáctica free of charge this academic year.
Discover how the stars sound, or touch the sky on a winter night. This is the proposal made by Enrique Pérez Montero, astrophysicist and populariser, who will be giving a workshop for the blind and a talk open to the public at the Teruel Campus. Enrique, who lost his sight during his scientific career, directs Astronomía Accesible (Accessible Astronomy), a project that comes to the city of Teruel thanks to the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA).
A technique based on radio telescopes (VLBI) has enabled the discovery of a physical physical connection between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. host them. The size relationship would be the same as if a grain of sand were to condition an entire planet. would condition an entire planet. The paper published in Nature Astronomy is led by David Fernández Gil, a researcher at the Centro de Estudios de Física de of the Cosmos of Aragon (CEFCA).
Observations for surveying the Universe have revealed the first supernova found during the J-PAS project. The CEFCA scientific team located it in a spiral galaxy, like the Milky Way, at a distance of about 700 million light years. Its discovery has already been reported to the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
An algorithm developed by researcher Andrés del Pino now applies Bayesian neural networks to data from the J-PLUS project. The aim is to robustly classify the astronomical objects detected by the survey and thus differentiate stars, quasars and galaxies. The research has been published in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
An article, led by CEFCA researcher Carlos López San Juan, focuses on those that are used for exoplanetary geology: white dwarfs with metals from the accretion of material from their planetary system. The research raises the contribution of the J-PLUS survey, developed from the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), which now allows us to determine how the detection of these stars varies as they cool. The work has been published in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The meeting of the Astronomy Infrastructure Network has laid the groundwork for projects to be received from other centres and researchers in the coming months. The Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory's large-format telescope opens for the first time to international scientific collaborations
The first survey data show 100 000 stars and about 450 000 galaxies. It is the first scientific demonstration of the power of the combination of the JST250 wide-field telescope and its JPCam panoramic camera. J-PAS, led by the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) in Spain, makes available to the scientific community the first 12 square degrees of the three-dimensional map of the universe that it is carrying out from the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre.ars.
Some 40 researchers from Spain, Brazil, China, Colombia and the United States have learned about the first works based on the results of J-PAS survey. The meeting reviewed the projections and ongoing research on the first square degrees of the map of the Universe. In the framework of the XX J-PAS Congress, mapping data were released for the first time to the international scientific community.
CEFCA take a Sun Gun telescope out onto the streets and focus its Science Week activities on the Sun and the 2026 eclipse.
The forum was organised by the Space Telescope Institute and was attended by NASA, universities such as Harvard and scientific institutions from all over the world. CEFCA researcher Carlos López explained a technique developed at the centre.
A binocular telescope like the one that will be launched on a satellite into space in 2030 will arrive at the Aragonese observatory in the coming weeks. The ARRAKIHS mission will take images from Pico del Buitre for at least the next two years. They will be used to improve all data processing and analysis and to refine the observational strategy in a team led by Dr Antonio Marín-Franch. The goal is to observe nearby galaxies at unprecedented depths in search of the stellar trails predicted by the standard cosmological model and which have so far proved elusive.
The discovery was made with the JST250 telescope and the JPCam camera of the Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory. The scientific team of the Centro de Estudios del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) has discovered a new supernova, which would be located almost 700 million light-years from Earth. This stellar explosion is the first to be detected with the JST250 telescope since the start of JPCam's scientific operations. The supernova has already been registered by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
This composition of 20 images of what are known as tidal star streams became NASA's APOD (Astronomical Picture of the Day) for 27 September. An image that is translated into 20 languages and with an audience of millions of people around the world. The image by David Martínez, researcher at the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA), is part of his Stellar Stream Legacy Survey project that studies stellar streams. In this case, each frame is a composite view, composed of publicly available images of the galaxies' surroundings, to which the coloured image of the central massive galaxy is added. They show faint cosmic structures, streams hundreds of thousands of light years across.
It will observe hundreds of millions of galaxies from the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre in order to understand the accelerating expansion of the Universe.
The J-PLUS survey, carried out from the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre, provides new data on 6,000 white dwarfs of the Milky Way
Three works started by a group of scientist at the time they were at Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) show that the strength of gravity on cosmic scales is that predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Furthermore, these scientists have solved the missing baryon problem, i.e. the majority of the matter comprising planets, stars, and living beings was missing; they detect that this matter is in the form of hot gas and fills the space between galaxies.
Teruel hosts the international scientific meeting of the The Astronomy Infrastructures Network (RIA) to present the first public data of the J-PAS project taken with the JST250 Telescope of the Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory.
CEFCA, responsible for the construction and operation of the telescope and the instrumentation with which the survey is carried out, also leads the scientific production

J-PLUS First Data Release

2018-07-17 11:30 all science j-plus
The J-PLUS First Data Release amounts 1022 square degrees and includes scientific information of more than thirteen million of celestial objects, from asteroids to distant galaxies, including Milky Way stars.

The belt of transneptunian objects holds four dwarf planets including Haumea which is unusual for its elongated and fast-rotating body.

A stellar occultation has allowed to determine the main physical characteristics of this body, unknown until now, including the discovery of a ring.

J-PLUS Early Data Release

2017-09-29 09:45 all science j-plus
CEFCA announces worldwide open access to the Early Data Release (EDR) of the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey. This EDR consists of 18 J-PLUS pointings at different locations of the sky, observed in the twelve J-PLUS photometric optical bands, overall amounting to 36deg2. We provide access to the J-PLUS catalogues with photometric data in all the twelve bands for more than 400.000 astronomical objects, together with the actual FITS images and proper masks to avoid bright stars and other undesired areas.
A collaboration agreement between the Euclid Consortium of the European Space Agency (ESA)-led space mission Euclid- and the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA; Teruel) has been signed for the provision of ground based scientific data with the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre to complement the observations of the Euclid space telescope.

Accelerating research into dark energy

2016-07-07 13:20 all science
A quick method for making accurate, virtual universes to help understand the effects of dark matter and dark energy has been developed by CEFCA and UCL scientists. Making up 95% of our universe, these substances have profound effects on the birth and lives of galaxies and stars and yet almost nothing is known about their physical nature.

J-PLUS started in November 2015

2015-12-02 16:15 all science j-plus
After an intense period of fine tuning and optimization tasks developed by the OAJ/CEFCA Team, systematic observations with T80Cam@JAST80 have started. The telescope–camera system is in optimal performance, reaching normally seeing-limited images. So far, a best gaussian FWHM of 0.63”(+/-0.09”) over the 2deg2 focal plane of T80Cam has been recorded.
By using the best available measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from the Planck satellite, Dr. Carlos Hernández Monteagudo from the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) and his collaborators have detected vast amounts of hidden baryonic matter around middle-size galaxies in the local universe. To arrive at this new result, the team has used the latest Planck data release and data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
The complete catalog of ALHAMBRA project will be published tomorrow. It consists on a mapping of the space to study the evolution of the universe over the last ten billion years. ALHAMBRA has identified, classified and calculated the distance of more than half a million galaxies spread over eight regions of the sky. The development of this catalog has been performed by the Observatorio de Calar Alto with the collaboration of researchers of the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón.

As the ALHAMBRA project maps in detail eight deep separate regions of the universe, it is the best available tool to study the recent history of the universe. This first release of the data, which is called ALHAMBRA-gold, contains one hundred thousand galaxies, twenty thousand stars and one thousand possible active galactic nuclei. Several researchers of CEFCA have participated in the development of this catalogue, which has been conducted by the Calar Alto Observatory.

On March 21, the Planck scientific team released the first set of cosmology results based on data obtained during the first 15.5 months of the Space Telescope's operation. This has been done be means of almost thirty scientific articles in which the Cosmology group of CEFCA has been involved.