Two PhD predoctoral contracts in Astrophysics
2021-06-11 12:00
Ref0091 / Deadline: July 9th, 2021 (14:00h)
Cerrado/ClosedOffer description
The "Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón" (CEFCA) invites applications for two PhD predoctoral contracts in Astrophysics.
CEFCA is a research institution located in Teruel, Spain, in charge of the operation, data management and scientific exploitation of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), an astronomical facility specifically suited for carrying out large astronomical surveys with very large field-of-view (FoV) telescopes: the 2.5m Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST250; 3deg diameter FoV) and the 83cm Javalambre Auxiliary Survey Telescope (JAST80; 2deg diameter FoV).
JST250 is equipped with JPCam, a ~1.2Mpix panoramic camera consisting of a mosaic of 14 CCDs of ~9.2k x 9.2kpix. The JPCam@JST250 system provides a 4.7 deg2 FoV and hosts a complete new set of 54 filters of ~140A width, covering the whole optical spectral range. The technical first-light of JPCam@JST250 was achieved in June 2020. During the next years, JPCam@JST250 will be mostly devoted to carry out the Javalambre Physics of the accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS), which will produce photo-spectra of hundreds of millions of astronomical objects with a wide range of applications in Astrophysics and Cosmology. The first J-PAS square degree, so called mini-JPAS, was released in December 2019.
JAST80 is equipped with the panoramic camera T80Cam, hosting one CCD identical to those in JPCam. The T80Cam@JAST80 system provides an effective FoV of 2 deg2. Since 2016, it is primarily devoted to conduct the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS), whose second data release, amounting ~2200deg2, was released to the worldwide community in November 2020.
The OAJ is a Spanish ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure). As such, CEFCA offers 20% of OAJ Open Time to competitive P.I. projects. In addition, JPCam@JST250 will conduct the Javalambre-Euclid Deep Imaging Survey in g-band (JEDIS-g) in the next years, with CEFCA being a leading node of the Ground Segment OU-EXT of the ESA Euclid mission.
In this context, CEFCA is seeking for two predoctoral researchers to conduct a novel research project with OAJ data, either from the main surveys, namely J-PLUS and J-PAS, and/or from OAJ Open Time projects led by CEFCA (e.g. J-VAR; suited for transient science in the J-PLUS sky). The successful candidates will join the Research Division at CEFCA and will become full members of the J-PLUS and J-PAS collaborations, having the right to become Euclid members. They will also participate in the general outreach activities organized by CEFCA.
The PhD candidates will conduct their research at the CEFCA headquarters in Teruel, with possible periods at the OAJ. In addition to the salary and the needed equipment, funds to assist national and international meetings and workshops, under the current restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 situation, will be provided.
The list of offered PhD research projects can be found here.
Evaluation process
The committee will first evaluate the suitability of the candidates on the basis of their CVs and reference letters. The best candidates will move to a short list for a final interview.
Being aware of the impact of family leaves (maternity, paternity, adoption, or leaves to take care of family members with serious health conditions) on scientific careers, properly justified family leaves will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.
Terms and conditions
Contract type: | Predoctoral |
Education: | Grade and Master in Physics or Mathematics with at least 300 ECTS credits in total, or equivalent. The candidate shall be admitted to a doctoral program at the time of signing the contract. |
Work Place: | CEFCA Headquarters (Teruel, Spain), with possible periods at the OAJ. |
Contract Duration: | One year. The contract may be annually renewable up to a maximum duration of four years (six years for disabled candidates), subject to annual positive evaluations. |
Salary: | Fulfilling the requirements of the Estatuto del personal investigador predoctoral en formación. |
Application deadline: | July 9th, 2021 (14:00 CET) |
Resolution date: | July 30th, 2021. |
Incorporation date: | Between October 1st and November 30th, 2021. |
Applications: | Applications shall include: 1) CV including the qualification certificate, and 2) two reference letters. To be submitted via email (Subject: "Ref.0091. Predoctoral 2021”) to Reference letters shall be sent directly by the recommender, not by the candidate.
CEFCA is an equal opportunity employer committed to increase the diversity in its workplace. Applications of candidates from underrepresented social groups in our staff are welcome. CEFCA is committed in promoting the gender parity among its staff. Hence, applications from women are strongly welcome. |
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