Scientific Researcher
2023-04-19 17:00
Ref0110 / Deadline: May 26th, 2023 (14:00 CEST)
Cerrado/ClosedOffer description
The "Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón" (CEFCA) invites applications for one permanent position of Scientific Researcher, with interests and skills for conducting management duties in the Scientific Operation of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ).
CEFCA is a research institution located in Teruel, Spain, in charge of the operation, data management and scientific exploitation of the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), an astronomical facility specifically suited for carrying out large astronomical surveys with very large field-of-view (FoV) telescopes: the 2.5m Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST250; 3deg diameter FoV) and the 83cm Javalambre Auxiliary Survey Telescope (JAST80; 2deg diameter FoV).
JST250 is equipped with JPCam, a 1.2Mpix panoramic camera consisting of a mosaic of 14 CCDs of 9.2k x 9.2kpix. The JPCam@JST250 system provides a 4 deg2 FoV and hosts a complete new set of 54 filters of 145A width, covering the whole optical spectral range plus two broader filters at the blue and red ends. During the next years, JPCam@JST250 will be mostly devoted to carry out the Javalambre Physics of the accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS), which will produce photo-spectra of hundreds of millions of astronomical objects with a wide range of applications in Astrophysics and Cosmology.
JAST80 is equipped with the panoramic camera T80Cam, hosting one CCD identical to those in JPCam. The T80Cam@JAST80 system provides an effective FoV of 2 deg2. Since 2016, it is primarily devoted to conducting the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS), whose third data release, amounting to ~3200 deg2, was public in December 2022.
The OAJ is a Spanish ICTS (Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure). As such, CEFCA offers at least 20% of OAJ Open Time to competitive P.I. projects, including five-years Legacy Surveys with JAST80.
The planning and night time operation of the OAJ telescopes, cameras and sky monitors is the responsibility of the Scientific Operation Department (DOPC). It is performed following scientific criteria and taking into account the different observational projects that the OAJ has to carry out, including CEFCA surveys (like J-PLUS and J-PAS) and Open Time projects.
In this context, CEFCA is seeking a senior scientific researcher with an excellent scientific record to join the Research Area. The successful candidate is expected to be appointed by the Director as Manager of the DOPC, hence sharing his/her scientific activity with leading, managing and coordinating the DOPC team of technical astronomers and telescope operators, as well as defining strategies and actions for the accomplishment of the DOPC objectives. The Head of DOPC works together with the Head of the OAJ in the coordination and planning of the scientific operations at the OAJ and, on the other hand, is responsible for the night operations at the OAJ, supervising and coordinating the group of technical astronomers and telescope operators. The Head of DOPC has the support of the deputy DOPC responsible.
As a CEFCA staff researcher, the successful candidate will become a full member of the J-PLUS and J-PAS collaborations. In addition, the successful candidate will have the right to become a Euclid member.
As a member of the Research Area, the successful candidate will participate in the scientific research activities carried out at CEFCA, with special emphasis on the photometric surveys led by the OAJ. In addition, he/she is expected to participate in outreach activities carried out by CEFCA.
As long as he/she is appointed as Head of the DOPC Department, the duties to be performed are the following:
- Coordination and planning of the OAJ telescopes’ scientific operation.
- Coordination of the DOPC group of technical astronomers and telescope operators.
- High-level coordination of the commissioning and scientific verification of the telescopes and astronomical instrumentation of the OAJ.
- Coordination of the day-to-day scientific operations at the OAJ.
- Responsible for periodic calibration tasks of telescopes and scientific cameras.
- Elaboration of periodic reports regarding OAJ accesses and statistics.
- Development of software and applications for the planning and automatic sequencing of scientific observations with OAJ telescopes and instrumentation.
- Coordination together with the UPAD Manager of the activities related to image archives and databases to respond to the requirements of the Collaborations between CEFCA and the astronomical community.
- Management of open time access and data delivery. Point of contact with the Time Allocation Committee (CEFCA-TAC) and open time projects’ Principal Investigators.
Valuable Knowledge and Experience
- Scientific research in Astrophysics and Cosmology, and statement of research interests, with emphasis on the photometric surveys led by CEFCA.
- Experience in the management, lead and coordination of projects and teams.
- Experience in the acquisition of astronomical data with telescopes in professional observatories.
- Experience in the analysis and scientific exploitation of optical data, with special value to medium and narrow band photometry.
- Experience in the use and exploitation of large astronomical datasets.
- Experience in programming and databases will be evaluated positively.
Evaluation process
The evaluation committee, constituted by several CEFCA members, will first evaluate the suitability of the candidates on the basis of their CVs, research statements and reference letters. The best candidates will be shortlisted for a final interview.
Being aware of the impact of family leaves (maternity, paternity, adoption, or leaves to take care of family members with serious health conditions) on scientific careers, properly justified family leaves will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.
Terms and conditions
Education: | PhD in Astronomy or related fields |
Languages: | Fluent in Spanish and English |
Work Place: | CEFCA Headquarters, Teruel, Spain, with possible work stays at the OAJ. |
Contract Duration: | Permanent position |
Salary: | Depending on the level of knowledge, experience and suitability for the offered position. |
Deadline: | May 26th, 2023, 14:00h CEST |
Applications: | Applications shall include: 1) CV; 2) brief statement of research interests, with emphasis on J-PLUS, J-PAS or other projects led by CEFCA; and 3) two reference letters. To be submitted via email (Subject: "Ref.0110. Scientific Researcher”) to
Before submitting your application, you should carefully read the "basic information on the protection of personal data" below. Sending your application to the email will be your confirmation that you understand the use we will make of your personal data and that you accept our privacy policy. CEFCA is an equal opportunity employer committed to increase the diversity in its workplace. Applications of candidates from underrepresented social groups in our staff are welcome. CEFCA is committed to promoting gender parity among its staff. Hence, applications from women are strongly welcome. |
For further information, please contact:
Antonio Marín, Héctor Vázquez, Carlos López San Juan
CEFCA is an equal opportunity employer committed to increase the diversity in its workplace. Applications of candidates from underrepresented social groups in our staff are welcome.
CEFCA is committed in promoting the gender parity among its staff. Hence, applications from women are strongly welcome.
Being aware of the impact of family leaves (maternity, paternity, adoption, or leaves to take care of family members with serious health conditions) on scientific careers, properly justified family leaves will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.
Data Controller: | CEFCA |
DPO Contact: | |
Finality and legitimacy: | Include your candidacy in staff selection processes. These processes are intended to hire a person interested in a job offer, so that the data processing will be legitimized by article 6.1b of the RGPD ("the treatment is necessary for the application, at the request of the interested party, of pre-contractual measures"). |
Conservation: | They will be kept as long as the job offers to which you submit your application remain active, and while the legal responsibilities related to the contracting processes can be resolved. |
Recipients: | They will not be transferred to third parties unless it is necessary for their purpose, or we are allowed or obliged by a legal provision. |
Rights: | You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and opposition to the treatment of your data, and to withdraw the consent given. To exercise them you can write to or go by postal mail to our physical headquarters. |
More information: | By visiting our privacy policy or writing to |