J-PLUS Early Data Release

2017-09-29 09:45
J-PLUS Field 01488

J-PLUS Field 01488

CEFCA announces a worldwide open access Early Data Release (EDR) of the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS). consists of 18 J-PLUS pointings at different locations of the sky, observed in the twelve photometric optical bands, overall amounting to 36deg2. We provide access to the J-PLUS catalogues with photometric data in all the twelve bands for more than 400.000 astronomical objects, together with the actual FITS images and proper masks to avoid bright stars and other undesired areas.

Users can freely access the data through a friendly web portal with a variety of services to browse and retrieve the data. We also offer the possibility of access the data using V.O. protocols.

The details of this J-PLUS EDR and some preliminary scientific results on the basis of this data will be published in a series of papers..