CEFCA and Caja Rural renew the “Young Researchers Training” grant
The Fundación Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) and Caja Rural de Teruel signed the renewal of the partnership corresponding to the “Young Researchers Training” grant, which is intended to train new scientists in the fields of Cosmology and Formation and Evolution of Galaxies.
The signing of the partnertship renewal was carried out by Pilar Alegría Continente, President of the CEFCA Foundation, and José Antonio Pérez Cebrián, Director of Caja Rural de Teruel.
The annual contribution of Caja Rural de Teruel to the “Young Researchers Training” grant, which was created in 2010, is of € 7,000 for conducting PhDs at CEFCA. It is part of the activities carried out through the Education, Promotion and Social Works Fund of Caja Rural de Teruel, which aims to support social, cultural and educational initiatives in the province of Teruel.