J-PAS RIA Workshop: 'The Universe in 56 colours: science with the first J-PAS data'
The Universe in 56 colours: science with the first J-PAS data - Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón
The Javalambre Physics of the accelerating universe Astrophysical Survey (J-PAS) will map thousands of square degrees of the Northern sky with a unique filter set composed by 56 medium bands (of 14 nm width) in the optical. J-PAS will provide high quality photometric redshifts (~1000 km/s precision) for several million galaxies, and relevant contribution in the fields of cosmology, galaxy evolution, and the study of the Milky Way are expected. J-PAS will be carried out from the Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ, Teruel) with the Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST; 2.5m diameter) and the JPCam instrument (5 deg2 field-of-view).
While JPCam is being assembled at the OAJ, JST has already started scientific operations thanks to the JPAS-Pathfinder (JPAS-PF) camera. During 2018, JPAS-PF@JST has surveyed 1 square degree of the well known Extended Groth Strip area with the 56 J-PAS filters down to nominal J-PAS depth.
The goal of this RIA meeting is to publicly present this unique dataset, release worldwide the reduced images and catalogs, demonstrate the capabilities of the J-PAS concept with real data, and motivate the scientific exploitation of J-PAS by the international community.
The meeting will cover both technical and scientific topics, with sessions focused on the observations, the reduction pipelines, the photometric calibration, and the access to the released data. The scientific analysis of the first J-PAS square degree will be also presented, together with the synergies among other projects with relevant Spanish contribution and/or carried out from other astronomical ICTS.
Registration and contributions deadline: October 31st, 2019
Scientific Organizing Committee
- Silvia Bonoli (DIPC)
- Paula R. T. Coelho (USP)
- Renato A. Dupke (ON)
- Rosa González Delgado (IAA)
- Carlos Hernández Monteagudo (CEFCA)
- Carlos López San Juan (Chair, CEFCA)
Local Organizing Committee
- Carlos Hernández Monteagudo (CEFCA)
- David Izquierdo (CEFCA)
- Carlos López San Juan (CEFCA)
- Inés Muñoz (CEFCA)
- Daniele Spinoso (CEFCA)
- Luisa Valdivielso (CEFCA)
- Tamara Civera (CEFCA)
- Ester Calle (RIA)
More information
This meeting is supported by the Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía, through the project AYA2017-9068-REDI of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, and by the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón.
Registration is free
RIA workshop webpage: http://riastronomia.es/en/the-universe-in-56-colours-science-with-the-first-j-pas-data/
Registration period is closed!
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