Summer-student fellowship of Engineering and Instrumentation in Astrophysics
The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening one position for a summer-student fellowship. The position will be offered to students that are coursing a Master or the last year of the Degree who want to start engaging into engineering and astrophysical instrumentation.
The CEFCA is a research institution located in the city of Teruel (Aragón, Spain) and is in charge of the construction and operation of the Javalambre Astrophysical Observatory (OAJ), where two different sky surveys will be carried out (J-PLUS and J-PAS). The design, construction and maintenance of the OAJ, its telescopes and instruments require developments in different areas, such as optics, mechanics, electronics, control and communications.
Details of the fellowship
The fellowship will last for two and half months, starting on 1st July 2015 and finishing on 11th September 2015.
Gross salary amounts to 700 Euro/month and a health insurance is included.
The grant project will be included in one of CEFCA's development areas.
Experience of the applicants
Candidates shall be Master students or shall be finishing the last year of the Degree in the 2014 – 2015 academic course, preferably in engineering, physics or equivalent.
Application procedure
Candidates must send the following documentation:
- Certificate of their academic status.
- List of any course, qualification, technological development experience and previously obtained fellowships in the form of a "Curriculum vitae".
- If available, one reference letter from a University Professor.
The listed documentation should be sent electronically to the email address, indicating in the subject "Summer Fellowship ING2015".
Application deadline: 15th May 2015
Selection procedure
A committee will review the applications and make public the grant resolution in CEFCA's web page by 29th May 2015.
Fellowships adjudication
Adjudication of the summer-student fellowship:
For more information on the fellowship and on CEFCA, please contact Antonio Marín at