A technique based on radio telescopes (VLBI) has enabled the discovery of a physical physical connection between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. host them. The size relationship would be the same as if a grain of sand were to condition an entire planet. would condition an entire planet. The paper published in Nature Astronomy is led by David Fernández Gil, a researcher at the Centro de Estudios de Física de of the Cosmos of Aragon (CEFCA).

The CEFCA Foundation has awarded two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation. These fellowships were published on the CEFCA web page from October 26 to November 26, 2015.

Adjudication of the two PhD Fellowships in Observational Cosmology and/or Galaxy Formation and Evolution:

Second Adjudication of the Summer-student Fellowship of Engineering and Instrumentation in Astrophysics. This fellowship was published on the CEFCA web page from April 13 to May 6, 2016.

Second Adjudication of the summer-student fellowship of Engineering and Instrumentation in Astrophysics:

The CEFCA Foundation has awarded two Summer-student Fellowships in Astrophysics Research. These fellowships were published on the CEFCA web page from April 13 to May 6, 2016.

Adjudication of the two summer-student fellowships in Astrophysics Research:

The CEFCA Foundation has awarded the Summer-student Fellowship of Engineering and Instrumentation in Astrophysics. This fellowship was published on the CEFCA web page from April 13 to May 6, 2016.

Adjudication of the summer-student fellowship of Engineering and Instrumentation in Astrophysics:

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening two positions for a summer-student fellowship. The positions will be offered to Master students who want to start engaging into astrophysical research.

Summer-student fellowship in Astrophysics Research:

Adjudication of the two summer-student fellowships:

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening one position for a summer-student fellowship. The position will be offered to students that are coursing a Master or the last year of the Degree who want to start engaging into engineering and astrophysical instrumentation.

Summer-student fellowship:

Adjudication of the summer-student fellowship:

Second adjudication of the summer-student fellowship:

The “Centro de Estudios del Cosmos de Aragon” (CEFCA) offers one 4 year predoctoral fellowship in cosmology and/or galaxy formation and evolution, starting at the beginning of 2016.

The CEFCA Foundation has awarded two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation. These fellowships were published on the CEFCA web page from October 27 to December, 4, 2014.

Adjudication of the two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation:

Second adjudication of the two PhD Fellowships in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation:

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening two positions for a summer-student fellowship. The positions will be offered to Master students who want to start engaging into astrophysical research.

Summer-student fellowship in Astrophysics Research:

Adjudication of the two summer-student fellowships:

Second adjudication of the two summer-student fellowships:

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening one position for a summer-student fellowship. The position will be offered to students that are coursing a Master or the last year of the Degree who want to start engaging into engineering and astrophysical instrumentation.

Summer-student fellowship in Astrophysics Research:

Adjudication of the summer-student fellowship:

The “Centro de Estudios del Cosmos de Aragon” (CEFCA) offers several 4 year doctoral fellowships in cosmology and/or galaxy formation, starting at the beginning of 2015.

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA) is opening three positions for a summer-student fellowship. The positions will be offered to master students who want to start engaging into astrophysical research and instrumentation.

Summer student fellowships in Astrophysics and Instrumentation:

Adjudication of the three summer-student fellowships: