Gravitational waves brought to light

2016-04-22 17:00
Poster of the conference

Poster of the conference

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA), in collaboration with the Museo Provincial de Teruel, has organized an outreach talk with the title “From Newton's apple to gravitational waves detection: revealing the secrets of gravity”. The conference will be given next Thursday, 28th April, at 19:30 pm in the Auditorium of the Museum by Dr. Silvia Bonoli, from CEFCA.

The activity, opened to the public, has been organised on the occasion of the recent discovery of gravitational waves. This is an important milestone for Physics that has opened an unprecedented new window into the study of the Universe.

During the talk, Dr. Bonoli will make a a journey through the history of Gravity's study, from the classical view developed for explaining the movements of the stars, to the modern Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and the detection of gavitational waves, a century later.