Talk and discussion "Women in Science"

2018-02-09 13:00
Poster of the talk

Poster of the talk

The Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA), in collaboration with the departamento de juventud del Ayuntamiento de Teruel, has organized an outreach talk and discussion with the title "Women in Science" on the occasion of International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February). The talk will be given next Sunday, 11th February, at 6:00 pm in the centro de Ocio Juvenil Domingo Gascón.

In the presentation, Dr. Silvia Bonoli (astrophysics researcher at CEFCA), Tamara Civera (scientific databases engineer), Dr. Concha Gómez (researcher in medical humanities and history of medicine) and Dr. Yetli Rosas (astrophysics researcher at Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile)) will talk about their work, the scientific career and the role of women in Science.

The activity is for all audiences and ages, specially for women and girls.