The facilities have received almost twice as many visitors as initially planned for the first year of operation. A children's playground, a planetarium and an observation square for large groups will complement the infrastructure.
The agreement, which will last for one year and will benefit up to 2,000 students, seeks to facilitate students' access to the astronomical center.

Galáctica opens its doors

2022-07-04 12:00 all galÁctica
The Minister of Science of the Government of Aragon and President of the Board of CEFCA, María Eugenia Díaz, has visited the OAJ facilities.
After the acceptance of the domes, CEFCA prepares for the installation of the telescopes.
The Minister of Science, University and Knowledge Society has visited the facilities
From 23 to 28 September, Galáctica gathers the celebration of a Starlight Monitor Course in which Starlight Monitors will be trained. The course enables to perform astro-touristic activities, following the criteria of Starlight.
From today until next Sunday, twenty people from different parts of Spain are going to learn to photograph the night thanks to the master classes of the photographer Antoni Cladera, responsible for PhotoPills
The center is going to offer two guided visits along the day to bring the sky to cycling enthusiasts who visit the area on August 28
Galactica is going to host next June 22 different activities to get closer to the beautiful meteors and their wakes in the night sky
Our natural satellite will be the protagonist of talks, theater, cinephórum and astronomical observations
Galáctica (Centro de Difusión y Práctica de la Astronomía) is going to host next June 22 the Solstice Festival and the International Day of the Sun with a cultural event
The objective of the first event that is going to be hosted at GALÁCTICA (Centro de Difusión y Práctica de la Astronomía) in 2019 is showing the value of a sky without light pollution for the present and for the future
The 1st Star Party "Lunar Eclipse" will take place in Arcos de las Salinas (Teruel) in July 27th. The program is full of activities for all audiences.
The certification process of the "Territorio Gúdar Javalambre" as Starlight Destination and Reserve has just successfully finished.